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A utility to compare integer64 objects 'x' and 'y' testing for ‘near equality’, see all.equal().


# S3 method for class 'integer64'
  tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
  scale = NULL,
  countEQ = FALSE,
  formatFUN = function(err, what) format(err),
  check.attributes = TRUE



a vector of 'integer64' or an object that can be coerced with as.integer64()


a vector of 'integer64' or an object that can be coerced with as.integer64()


numeric > 0. Differences smaller than tolerance are not reported. The default value is close to 1.5e-8.


NULL or numeric > 0, typically of length 1 or length(target). See Details.


logical indicating if the target == current cases should be counted when computing the mean (absolute or relative) differences. The default, FALSE may seem misleading in cases where target and current only differ in a few places; see the extensive example.


a function() of two arguments, err, the relative, absolute or scaled error, and what, a character string indicating the kind of error; maybe used, e.g., to format relative and absolute errors differently.


further arguments are ignored


logical indicating if the attributes() of target and current (other than the names) should be compared.


Either ‘TRUE’ (‘NULL’ for ‘attr.all.equal’) or a vector of ‘mode’ ‘"character"’ describing the differences between ‘target’ and ‘current’.


In all.equal.numeric() the type integer is treated as a proper subset of double i.e. does not complain about comparing integer with double. Following this logic all.equal.integer64 treats integer as a proper subset of integer64 and does not complain about comparing integer with integer64. double also compares without warning as long as the values are within lim.integer64(), if double are bigger all.equal.integer64 complains about the all.equal.integer64 overflow warning. For further details see all.equal().


all.equal() only dispatches to this method if the first argument is integer64, calling all.equal() with a non-integer64 first and a integer64 second argument gives undefined behavior!

See also


  all.equal(as.integer64(1:10), as.integer64(0:9))
#> [1] "Mean relative difference: 0.1818182"
  all.equal(as.integer64(1:10), as.integer(1:10))
#> [1] TRUE
  all.equal(as.integer64(1:10), as.double(1:10))
#> [1] TRUE
  all.equal(as.integer64(1), as.double(1e300))
#> Error in as.integer64.double(current) : 
#>   (converted from warning) NAs produced by integer64 overflow
#> [1] "while coercing 'current' to 'integer64': (converted from warning) NAs produced by integer64 overflow"